Juno has been a labor of love and passion. Not only is the entire family, some extended members too, involved in the process but so are my close friends. My two daughters and husband have been good sports and tested each new batch of products. My husband even created this website and has been cheering me on every step of the way.Without all these exceptional people Juno would still be simply a wish. A heartfelt thank you goes out to everyone who has helped me make Juno a reality. Thank you!

I have worked in the beauty industry for over 10 years and I have come to some definite conclusions about what should and should not be in beauty products, how it should be sold (not pushed) and how important it is to do something you believe in 100 percent.

Instead of becoming jaded in the over-populated area of beauty products, I decided to forge my own path and set myself apart from the mainstream brands. Every product has been created to work optimally by itself leaving you to mix and match the whole product line giving you tons of styling options. Juno offers variations of traditional products that have been specially formulated to give you maximum benefits without unnecessary harsh chemicals. It is great for the whole family to use.

With over a year's worth of research behind it, Juno will prove to you things you never thought could be true:

- Hair hydrators, unlike conditioners, will not make your hair feel oilier even if you have oily hair.

- Hair stay (not to be confused with hair spray) will not flake.

- Yes, you can achieve hair volume and thickness while making you hair straight. All the benefits in one product, The Strait Concentrate.

- Curling lotion works on wavy hair too! All of our products for curls are formulated to work on every type of curl, even kinda wavy hair to create a beachy texture.

If it seems too awesome to be true, then you haven't tried Juno yet. My whole family uses Juno, do you?

Please feel free to ask me any questions about the products via email or on Twitter. I would love to help.

Thank you,

About Juno